the feeling 9:57 PM

What would you feel when some one you care suddenly ignores you? What would you feel if no one cares you? And, what would you feel when you care nobody? When I care my friends, I wouldn't show it words or in actions. For me, I feel better when I can help my friends when they need me. But when suddenly the one I care ignoring me, one thing comes through my mind, am I doing anything wrong or is she or he feeling that I am too over already? I never ask these to them, but in my deep heart, I really wish to know the answer. In opposite, if I being abandoned by my friends, I definitely feeling sad. I wouldn't blame anybody but I will make assumptions that I am treating them not nice enough. You get back how much the effort you put on. Some friends worth the effort you put on but some don't. Some friends are good and some are not, those I try to avoid are those that can't understand me. I put the same effort on everyone at start, but sorry to say when this balance becomes unbalance anymore. For those getting the lesser, meaning that you're hurting me. Sometimes, I feel like don't want to care about anything. I do what I like and I speak what I want, then I know that, we can't live happily without friends. So here, I wish to say that, I am caring about you my friends, and thanks for your caring.


Elynna said...

u are such a nice fren...don think too much la....maybe they are not understand u much so don blame urself lo....u did a good job ald

K!@N S3NG said...

well, I'm doing fine. This actually is what I feel sometimes, and of course is not started after i enter UKM, or in other words, is part of my experience....

Elynna said...

sometime the thing is not really same as wat u dont think too much...why think in -ve way?try to think in +ve way....then u will be more happy..i know tat feeling coz i feel so too....

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