~ReaL HoLiDays~ 8:45 PM

I guess this is my first "Real Holidays" after I entered UKM. I was just too "busy" preparing for my Exam P during my first year first semester's break, and it's almost using my 1 month of holiday. The next semester's break, I was forced to do my scholarship's attachment for 1 month at Menara Maxis. However I was very happy to get closer with other scholars. At least now I know their name, their handphone's numbers... Again, I need to prepare for FM exam during the next semester break. Nothing to do except study and doing exercises. But for this time, this semester break, I guess I've the longest Holidays, after spending almost 3 weeks in MASUM 2010 and another 1 week for the coming NCC, I guess I still have few weeks of free time for me to spend... The MASUM is ended with giving me a nice memory. I get my first Bronze medal for UKM in chess competition. It's a great game great memory for me. I miss all my teammates no matter the girls or the guys. The NCC is coming and I'm nervous with it, hope it can give me something new that I never expected before. But the NCC still got 1 week to go, and now i am SICK... So pity... And I don't know why today I will create a new post here, maybe it's because I'm sick and it's making me to get hardworking.... haha


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